Corporate Reputation

At Afigitis, the client’s reputation is the utmost priority. Creating positive brand imagery in today’s time has become necessary for attracting and retaining potential customers. Keeping in mind, the current fragmented business landscape, it is essential for an agency to be on its toes in order to provide robust strategic solutions to the clients to overcome uncertainties. At Afigitis PR, we provide reputation management support for businesses across verticals.


We believe that media communication is a key element of PR. Afigitis PR provides a mixed solution for both online and offline services to manage a company’s relationships. Besides growing businesses and competitive challenges, there are several other issues that corporates face, of which communication is the most evident issue. In order to overcome such challenges, leaders seek assistance from communications experts who understand the eccentricities of various industry segments.

Creative Media Relations & Outreach

Our in-depth understanding and long years of experience hold us in good stead to mobilize and manage the national and local media appropriately in any situation. In order to overcome any challenges or crisis, it requires apposite knowledge, expertise, avid relationships, and sound engagement capabilities. At Afitigis PR, we provide combination of editorial expertise, relationships, reach, analytics, and new-age content competence as a winning formula to all our clients to stand apart in the respective industries.

Crisis Management

Our expert team handles crisis management and media training seamlessly and effectively, with the least amount of stress and inconvenience to the client. Along with this, the team advises and handles issues that from time-to-time influences public opinion and attitude vis-a-vis our clients and their interests.